Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Backer Survey Results

I thought today would be an appropriate day to post the results of my Kickstarter backer surveys. I asked the $25 and $50 backers what stretch goals they would have voted for if any stretch goals had been funded. With 89% of surveyed backers reporting, the winners are the scripting tutorial and essential script packs:

Weighting the results by giving the $50 backers three votes changes the proportions slightly, but doesn't change the outcome.

The good news for the minority is that of all the listed enhancements, TWGSv1 support is probably the most tedious but also the simplest. In other words, it's something that interested third parties could easily contribute to once the source is released. I could write a tutorial describing what needs to be done. As for extracting the terminal component, that's already partly done; it just needs a few enhancements (copy & paste being the big one) and better documentation.

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